Resource Guides / Shareable Information
Behavioral Health and Wellness in the Fire Service
There is growing concern about behavioral health issues and the significant impact on wellness. The stresses faced by fire fighters, paramedics and EMTs throughout the course of their careers – incidents involving children, violence, inherent dangers of firefighting and other potentially traumatic events – can have a cumulative impact on mental health and well-being.
Law Enforcement:
Peer Support Team Manual
The Manual is designed so that peer support team members and others may examine the Contents and select topics of interest. The individual topic documents are designed so that they may be used independently of one another. Therefore, some information pertinent to the topic title may appear in more than one document. Some documents are in outline form and are best understood in conjunction with the Police Peer Support Team Training (PPSTT) program.
Law Enforcement:
Peer Support Team Manual
The Manual includes documents and information created by the author and others. In cases where the source of specific information is known, the source has been cited. The author acknowledges the contributions of sources and authors whose thoughts and ideas have been incorporated into general knowledge and are no longer readily identified or cited. The Manual is intended as a companion publication to Reflections of a Police Psychologist (2nd ed) and Contemporary Issues in Police Psychology.
"Make it Safe" Police Officer Initiative
Peer Support Manual
The Firefighter Peer Support Team Manual is a reference and resource manual written for members of fire department peer support teams. It includes the Comprehensive Model for Peer Advanced Strategic Support (COMPASS), the Peer Support Team Code of Ethical Conduct, and Peer Support Team Training: Key Points and Training Objectives. The Firefighter Peer Support Team Manual is also useful for training firefighters that are not part of a fire department peer support team. The Firefighter Peer Support Team Manual is an extrapolation and modification of the Law Enforcement Peer Support Team Manual.
Firefighter Support Information
The Firefighter Support Information document is designed for firefighters that have experienced a critical incident. It consists of several relevant sections of the Firefighter Peer Support Team Manual. Sections of the Firefighter Peer Support Team Manual that are relevant only to peer support team members are excluded.
Emergency Medical Services:
Peer Support Team Manual
The EMS Peer Support Team Manual (now in edition 3.0) is a reference and referral resource for EMS peer support teams. The Manual may also be used as a training program resource for EMS and other medical personnel. The EMS Peer Support Team Manual is an extrapolation and modification of the Law Enforcement Peer Support Team Manual. "Make it Safe EMS Initiative" information is available in the EMS Peer Support Team Manual.